Watch out the Time

Watch out the Time

The world revolve around us and so is time. People learn from sunlight,
water and other natural phenomenon. They create tools to tell time. We call it the clock. Its origin occurred on the planet over 3500-years ago. They say that time is based on the sun. And this is when man invented the sundial. But then dial modifications were brought about to calculate the time among the ancient Greek inhabitants where precision is more accurate. The Greeks invented a water clock called “Clepsydra” (literally means water thief). It was a device for drawing liquids from vats too large to pour which utilized the principles of air pressure to transport the liquid from one container to another. But there were some restrictions to this, since in winter the water will freeze and will never be available. So water watch died a natural death long before it became popular.

In 1929 Warren Morrison had invented a clock that is more specific. Quartz watch was a very accurate clock. Since the clock has developed steadily from the relentless wind forces. This was in 1980, a period in which people started to use computer technology. Invention using a clock chip was an additional component in the mechanism of this clock. In addition to telling time it can also store information needed. And can be used by the electronic calculator. Until now, clock continues to evolve in the digital age coupled with computer technology.

Time is most valuable to man. All men are born with equal inheritance each day.
We were all given 24 hours a day. It is up to us to grab and utilize it overtime.

Be punctual with your values because when it’s over, there’s no way you can get it back. Only memories remain.

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