Time to be time as time to be person

Time to be time as time to be person

Watch is one of the most important accessory for man. It has a natural benefit of its own. It has its own beauty, it can speak of the status and personality of its owner.
The components used to assemble a watch needs and expert’s choice and skills (not to mention the machine system used to make it) to create a masterpiece. Do we have the same thoughts?

I have the passion for elegant watch. During my free time, I normally go to the plaza and never missed new arrivals of watches displayed. I’ll check on the price and the design. If I happen to like a particular one, I’ll make sure to have it but after saving money to buy it. Wow!.....that would surely take sometime.
But I think for some, designs and prices or brand aint really that important. Anyway any kind would still give you the same time.
“Any watch tell time alike the time tell person worth also”
I think everybody, no matter what status you have in life owns a watch
While writing this, it makes me wonder and much eager to know what’s inside a watch and how it really works. Well, maybe that’s what I’m gonna do, search on it and tell you when I get back to my next post.

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